You can use tanooki to hold video conferences (VC) with your Project team members, as well as invite external guests via their email address.

You can invite people as Guests or as secondary Hosts. The Inviter is always the main Host. Any Host can change another participant’s role to a Host or Guest when in the VC.

Hosts can do the following actions that Guests cannot do:
Edit the Upcoming VC (Only the Host that created the VC)
Change participants role
Present a Video Review file
Present a stream from an Edit Suite
Present a Screen share
Mute all participants in the VC
If the VC is setup to require a Host, then a Guest cannot join a VC without a Host present, and also the VC will terminate on the last host leaving

Instant or Scheduled
When you create a VC you can create one to start immediately, or you can create one for the future, which will show up in both yours and the internal invitees Upcoming VC list. External invitees will receive an email with a Meeting link and a calendar object, which should add an entry into that person’s calendar, if they have their email and calendar integrated.

You can only join a VC up to 20 mins before the start time.

Audio/Video Connection
The Tanooki VC is a standard Web video conference, but everyone has the option to not turn on their webcam if they’d rather not be seen. Each person, before entering the VC, can select their mic and speaker/headphone output that they will use to communicate in the VC.

At any point in the VC a participant can turn on/off their camera and mute/unmute themselves. The only exception to this is when there is a presentation happening, and Push to Talk is enabled, in which case there is no unmute, but rather a Push to Talk button which will temporarily unmute you whilst the button is held.

You can present one of the following:
Video Review File – This is a video file that you have previously uploaded in the Video Review file section of the Content tab
Edit Suite stream – This is a stream that you have set up in your edit suite to stream from an Avid. The VC will give you some information that you can use in your Avid to allow it to stream into this VC.

When a presentation is initiated, the host that initiated it can optionally activate “Push to Talk“. This removes the mute/unmute for each participant, and changes the icon to a “Push to Talk” button which will temporarily unmute you whilst the button is held. This helps stop feedback from people’s mics whilst listening to the presentation, and also encourages people to be silent during the presentation. When the presentation finishes, participants mute state will go back to the mute state they were previously in before the presentation started.

Notes can be made at any time in the VC, but only when a presentation is happening will the notes have a timecode stamp. You can select whether you are viewing :
All – all notes made in the VC
Logs – Just notes made when a presentation was active
Notes – Just notes made when a presentation wasn’t active

Post VC
Once the meeting has ended, it can be re-joined for up to 12 hours.
After 3 hours it will move to the Previous VC list.

For any VC that you were invited to you can always go back to it in the Previous VC list, and see the notes that were made in that VC. You can also download the notes.

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